Tag Archives: wintergreen

Looking Out My Back Door – November 10, 2013

Although we have had a killing frost, and most of the leaves have fallen, there are still some trees and shrubs that are alive with vibrant color.  I’ve taken the following photos over the course of the past few days:

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Parrotia Tree

Parrotia Tree

Red Maple

Red Maple

These fluffy white clouds looked like a painting…so beautiful…

Brilliant  Blue Sky and Fluffy Clouds

Brilliant Blue Sky and Fluffy Clouds

Winged Euonymus

Winged Euonymus

Raking an area out by the barn, I uncovered the following little plant.  It’s a chimaphila, also known as wintergreen or pipsissewa.



Two fallen logs, only a couple of feet from each other…. one covered with moss

Moss Covered Log

Moss Covered Log


Fungi Covered Log

Fungi Covered Log

…and the other covered with mushrooms.  And, speaking of mushrooms, I saw a dark furry creature running through the woods across the street one late afternoon.  I heard the rustle of leaves and I thought someone was walking out there.  But it wasn’t a two legged individual, it was on four legs, was almost black in color and had a long bushy tail.  This was much larger than a squirrel.



A neighbor had told me she saw a fisher (sometimes called fisher cat) across the street in the woods from her, running head first down the trunk of a tree.  They have migrated south from Canada it seems.  Fishers have very sharp teeth and long claws.  In additional to a diet of small animals, they also like berries, nuts and mushrooms.  I’ll have to watch that log out there and see if anyone is eating my mushrooms!